ANS Animation, through its various administrative units, is responsible for the use, processing, and protection of personal data collected through the procedures or services you perform, whether by physical or electronic means. We commit to fully comply with the provisions of the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals and any other applicable regulations.
What personal data do we collect and for what purpose?
The collected personal data will be used for the following purposes:
Verify and confirm your identity, as well as the authenticity of the information provided, to maintain an accurate record of the individual requesting the procedure or service.
- Confirm the necessary requirements to access the platform detailing the procedures or services offered by ANS Animation.
Perform all movements related to the requested procedure or service, from entry to completion.
-Integrate files and databases necessary for the provision and operation of the contracted services, as well as the obligations derived from them.
-Maintain a historical record for statistical purposes.
According to the requested procedure or service, the following personal data may be used, but not limited to:
Personal identification data: full name, denomination or business name, address, phone (landline and mobile), email, handwritten signature, Federal Taxpayer Registry, electronic signature certificate and/or others.
Professional and employment information.
Financial and banking information.
Additionally, the collected personal data may be used in complementary activities necessary to achieve the stated purposes. The processing of personal data will be necessary, adequate, and relevant in relation to the purposes outlined in this Privacy Notice, as well as for different purposes that are compatible or complementary to the procedures or services provided.
If you do not wish your personal data to be used for these additional purposes, you must express your will to the contrary at the time of your registration. This will not affect the resolution of the requested procedure or service.
Basis for the processing of personal data
ANS Animation will process the personal data collected through the system in accordance with the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals.
Transfer of personal data
Your personal data will not be transferred, disclosed, or distributed, except as provided in the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data Held by Obligated Subjects or with your explicit written consent or through a similar authentication method. Only the data subject, their legal representatives, and authorized public servants will have access to this information.
Where can I exercise my ARCO rights?
You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, or opposition (ARCO Rights) to the processing of your personal data by sending a free-form written request to ANS Animation at the email address:
Where can I consult the Comprehensive Privacy Notice for personal data from the Ministry of Economy?
For more information on the terms and conditions under which your personal data will be processed, as well as how to exercise your ARCO Rights, please consult the Comprehensive Privacy Notice on the page: